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Outside of pregnancy, there are several reasons you might experience nipple pain. One cause is breast infection, which is often due to mastitis. “It will start as a red, swollen area on the breast, and then [cause you to] develop a fever and body aches or chills. You will feel like you have the flu,” said Suzy Lipinski, M.D., a board-certified OBGYN at Obstetrix® of Colorado, part of Pediatrix® Medical Group. You can also develop a yeast infection called thrush, which is passed on to you from your baby’s mouth during breastfeeding. “[Thrush] don’t typically cause flu-like symptoms but can cause stabbing, needle-like pain during breastfeeding,” said Dr. Lipinski. Another cause of nipple pain is an allergic reaction or skin rash. “Skin is a very sensitive organ and can develop allergic reactions to chemicals at any time,” noted Dr. Lipinski.
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