In the News
The DeArmond family of west Texas recently celebrated a significant milestone for their preemie triplets. Dutton, Rainey and Rowyn turned one after defying all odds. The triplets were born prematurely at 27 weeks and spent several months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) at UMC Children’s Hospital under the care of Melissa Piepkorn, M.D., neonatologist at Pediatrix® Neonatology of Texas, and team. “They were our family, we loved having them there,” said Dr. Piepkorn. “They were there all the time. They were so gracious to us rolling with the punches and trusting us that we had their babies’ best interest, and we talk about them a lot still after they’re gone.” Mom Laci reflected on how far the triplets have come since their days in the NICU. “From where we started, a 15-ounce baby, a 2-pound baby and a 10-ounce baby, to two over 20 pounds and Rainey is 14 pounds, I just never thought we’d get here,” she said. “But I’m so thankful for where we are.”
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