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The 5-5-5 postpartum rule prescribes 15 days of rest for moms following childbirth – five days in the bed, five days on the bed and five days around the bed. It encourages moms to take a break from housework and caring for older children, and simply spend time with the new baby. “By setting intentional rest time and creating boundaries, the new mom may ease into caring for the newest family member, allowing her time to recover from childbirth,” said Tania Lopez, CNM, certified nurse-midwife at Pediatrix® Hospitalists of Texas. However, the 5-5-5 rule may not be beneficial for all moms. “Most people are not fully recovered after 15 days postpartum, and the recovery period may need to be extended up to six to 12 weeks depending on factors affecting birth and recovery,” said Lopez. She added that the 5-5-5 rule could be detrimental to mental health as it has the potential to be isolating, especially in the early days.
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