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Drinking water during pregnancy is crucial as it helps support your baby’s growth, development and metabolic activity. If you become dehydrated, you can experience an array of uncomfortable—and sometimes worrisome—symptoms such dizziness, lightheadedness, headaches and contractions, said Ellen Smead, CNM, a certified nurse-midwife at Northside Women's Specialists, part of Pediatrix® Medical Group. “There are also changes to a pregnant person's skin, so the more you can drink water and perfuse the skin, even better. Being well-hydrated can even relieve some of that [dry itchy skin].” Ellen recommends setting reminders to ensure you stay properly hydrated. “Some pregnant people also have found it useful to set alarms on a phone or watch to have reminders throughout the day to keep drinking those fluids,” added Smead. “Also, having a friend, family member or partner involved as well is usually helpful.”
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