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The Role of Tech in Tracking Pregnancy Health

Women's Health

Many pregnant women are relying on tech products like Apple watches to help track their health during pregnancy. Trackers can be especially helpful in monitoring cardiovascular health in addition to other important metrics related to sleep and movement. While doctor appointments increase as pregnancy progresses, women who are considered high risk may require additional monitoring. “The traditional prenatal care model means prenatal visits every four weeks for the first and second trimesters and every two weeks through most of the third trimester. That adds up to just 12 to 14 vital sign measurements,” said Santosh Pandipati, M.D., a maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Obstetrix® of California, part of Pediatrix® Medical Group. “There is a vast amount of missed data opportunity across the entire pregnancy and postpartum journey,” said Dr. Pandipati. “More data means more ability to obtain crucial insights, which in turn means more opportunity for early intervention.”


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