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Understanding Your Baby’s Wake Windows


As you plan your baby’s sleep schedule, following wake windows, or the times that your baby is awake between sleep, can be helpful. However, Robert Quillin, M.D., board-certified pediatrician and medical director at Pediatrix® Newborn Services of Texas, said that it’s important to point out that wake windows aren’t a science-based concept. “The term ‘wake windows’ is a relatively recent concept in early childhood sleep discussions,” noted Dr. Quillin. He said the concept of wake windows can help you understand the period that your baby is happily awake and engaged, as well as the times when they need sleep. Both periods are critically important for babies. Sleep is a restorative state, where a lot of children's growth and healing takes place, Dr. Quillin described. “Wakefulness is when infants and children do their learning, socializing and so much more,” he said. “We need both, but children need more sleep for all their intense growth and development over the first years of life.”


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