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What to Know About the First Prenatal Visit

The Bump

Ahead of your first prenatal visit, you’re likely feeling both excited and nervous. Knowing what to expect can help put you at ease. In addition to an ultrasound, physical exam and various testing, your provider will also review your medical history. Omoikhefe Akhigbe, M.D., an OBGYN at Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Mid-Atlantic, part of Pediatrix® Medical Group, shared that this review will also cover whether there are any specialty doctors you should start seeing or continue to see. It’s also helpful to come prepared with a list of questions, which should include a discussion about symptoms and logistics. Dr. Akhigbe said it’s important to ask, “when and where to call for an urgent question, what constitutes an emergency, what is an urgent question and what is a routine question that could probably wait for normal business hours.” She also recommends inquiring about how many providers you’ll see, and which doctor is most likely to deliver baby.


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