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According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies should gain 4 to 7 ounces a week after the first week of life. Babies who aren’t gaining at this rate may not be getting enough food. There are other signs, some more subtle than others, indicating an insufficient food intake. “Signs that babies are not getting enough food depends on their age and overall health status,” said Michelle Haas, M.D., pediatrician at Austin’s First Steps in Texas, part of the Mednax® family. “Every baby’s feeding needs are unique. If a baby is overall healthy and is maintaining good growth at regular pediatrician checkups, then it is not cause for concern to be eating less often than expected.” But if the change is “associated with signs of illness like fever, lethargy, cough or cold symptoms,” Dr. Haas said it’s time to visit a pediatrician.
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