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Five-month-old Seamus Riggs of Dallas, Texas was born with several complex congenital defects, requiring lifesaving surgery shortly after birth. James Davis, M.D., a pediatric surgeon at Pediatrix® Surgical Associates, knew Seamus would be born with duodenal atresia, an intestinal obstruction, as well as a congenital heart defect (tetralogy of fallot with severe pulmonic valve stenosis) but was surprised to find that he had tracheoesophageal fistula, or TEF, an abnormal connection between the esophagus and the trachea, after he was born. Early diagnosis and surgical intervention were crucial to ensuring he would be able to successfully feed. The defect also increased his risk and the complexity of his surgical repairs. "In these babies, the stomach can swell to the point where they can't take a breath. Surgery within 24 hours was absolutely essential," said Dr. Davis.
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