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When Is It Safe to Take a Newborn Out?


If you’re a parent of a newborn, you may be wondering how soon you can take them out in public. Experts generally advise waiting a few months to ensure the infant’s immune system is developed. “A newborn’s immune system has the benefit of a mother’s antibodies during the first few weeks of life,” explained Robert Quillin, M.D., board-certified pediatrician and medical director at Pediatrix® Newborn Services of Texas. “However, a newborn’s immune system is not considered to be fully functional until 2 to 3 months of age.” By 2 months of age, most newborns will start to receive protective vaccines, noted Dr. Quillin, though you’ll still want to be cautious. “The primary risk for taking a newborn out into public would be concerns for infection, particularly during the winter months,” he said. Dr. Quillin advised that if an infant needs to be in a public space, it’s best to avoid crowds or any groups of more than four to six people.

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