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Formula Supplementation

The Bump

At some point, breastfeeding parents may consider supplementing with formula, also known as combo feeding. There are several reasons to consider combo feeding, including if a baby is not getting enough breast milk. This can be because of difficulty with latching or transferring milk from the breast, or sometimes you’re not producing enough milk to support baby’s growth, said Jenelle Ferry, M.D., a board-certified neonatologist and director of feeding, nutrition and infant development at Pediatrix® Neonatology of Florida. Supplementing may also be necessary if a baby was born preterm. Preterm babies will likely need some form of additional formula supplementation or fortification of mom’s milk to provide nutrients to support development, said Dr. Ferry. “For premature infants, when they’re still very small at hospital discharge, this may mean a fortifier designed specifically to be added to breast milk, or when a bit larger, it may mean a premature infant formula that’s either given in addition to mom’s milk or sometimes added in its powder form to mom’s milk.”

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